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Wednesday, January 2, 2008


We have seen that EROTOMANIACS are people obsessed with sex. Maybe they have too much of LIBIDO (sexual energy) that they cannot control. The term EROTOMANIAC is derived from EROS, the Greek god of love. We call him CUPID in Roman Mythology and KAMA in Hindu Mythology. From EROS we have EROTIC. EROTIC means arousing sexual feelings. The art and literature that deal with EROTIC are called EROTICA. EROTICA should not be mistaken as PORNOGRAPHY. PORNOGRAPHY deals with sex in the most VULGAR way possible. If we have any sense of beauty (AESTHETIC SENSE), we avoid PORNOGRAPHY. An EROTIC movie, for example, treats SEX in an AESTHETIC manner. The sculptures in the temples of Khaguraho, for instance, are EROTIC. The NUDE paintings of great artists like Matisse are also EROTIC. Pornography is the creation of a PERVERTED (abnormal, especially, in sexual behavior) mind, while EROTICA is the creation of an AESTHETE. (I hope those of you who have been reading the blog remember these words.) As responsible adults we should avoid PORNOGRAPHY, but as individuals of taste we must be able to enjoy EROTICA. It is a CELEBRATION of our bodies.However, even our society CONDEMNS EROTIC subjects, since it is related to SEX. There is nothing wrong about responsible sex. (We would not have been here if our parents didn’t have sex!) A lack of awareness about sex is the main cause of the spread of AIDS. It is quite shocking when we see people opposing sex-education at the High Schools. Anyway, this is not the spot to debate over the merits and flaws of sex-education. We are here to learn words related to EROS and SEX. AMOROUS is another term which means to be PLAYFULLY SEXUAL. A FLIRT is AMOROUS, just as a CELIBATE is CONTINENT (keeping away from sex.) Hence, FLIRT: AMOROUS CELIBATE: CONTINENT CONTINENCE is ABSTINENCE (keeping away) from sex, whereas PROMISCUITY is too much and careless sex. Hence, CONTINENCE x PROMISCUITY Continence is like TEETOTALISM (keeping away from drinking), while promiscuity is like DRUNKENNESS or INDULGENCE (careless over satisfaction). Or, continence is like starvation, whereas promiscuity is like gluttony. Hence, TEETOTALISM: DRUNKENNESS CONTINENCE: PROMISCUITY STARVATION: GLUTTONY Also, ABSTINENCE x INDULGENCE If we are INCONTINENT, we are careless and irresponsible in our acts of sex. People who uncontrollably eat, drink, and have sex can be described as LIBERTINES. They take too much liberty with food, drinks, and sex. An ASCETIC is the other extreme of a LIBERTINE. LIBERTINE x ASCETIC

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